Look for the magic, the growth, and the adventures that happen in a garden.
View the intricacies of a flower from an unusual angle or look more closely than usual.
Here is the underside of an ordinary zinnia flower. By a concerted scrutiny of something so familiar you see with fresh rather than jaded eyes. The cell structure glistens in the morning dew. Subtle shadings of color, usually unnoticed, lend depth and beauty. Use your skills of observation and gain enjoyment from subtle differences from day to day.
Is there such a thing as an “ordinary” flower? Each one is different. Shading, shape, angle, or texture. How do you judge the “perfect flower? The debate about the term “beauty” in art has been a long-standing one. How much difficult is it to define the beauty of a flower. Symmetry always seems to be one indication of beauty in humans as well as flowers. Is larger always better? Intensity of colour? Poise on the stem?
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