This dear little white crocus called 'Snow Bunting'. It is the only crocus bred by E.A. Bowles that is commercially available. Check out the web site for his former garden in England. These corms were planted in a terracotta pot sunk into the ground to try and stop the voles and mice from eating …
The Spring Garden at Northview
This is the Spring Garden at Northview on the first day of Spring 2014 (Compare to previous post). The snowdrops are out - Galanthus nivalis - single, double - Flore Pleno and Viridapice with green on the outer segments. Look out for future post about the different types of snowdrops. …
Two years ago on this date – it looked like spring
Today is technically the first day of spring, but it is not very spring-like. Despite the heavy rain yesterday we still have a few little patches of snow left. The cold air, frozen soil, and the fact that we only have snowdrops and winter aconites out, make the garden feel more like winter than …
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Maple trees glistening with ice – beautiful to look at but a hazard to power lines.
Power just restored after 10" of snow and an ice storm. The weight of snow and ice on trees and shrubs has broken tree limbs and brought down trees on power lines. The trees get blamed but shouldn't we put our power lines underground? Here at Northview gardens we will not know what needs …
Morning Glory
How aptly named; the morning glory flowers open with the rise of the sun. This scrambling annual vine covers roses and clematis on the cutting garden fence. Enjoy the show before lunch as these tubular iridescent wonders start to curl up in the afternoon. Our glorious fall weather has extended the …
Sternbergia – The Autumn daffodil
Beautiful autumnal weather here in Pennsylvania. Cool nights and days in the 70's encourage the blooming of fall favorites. The sunlight is less intense and the flower colors are less washed out than in the summer. Lilac purple Colchicum flowers have been out for about a week. This week the …
Dahlia ‘Blackberry Ice’
This dahlia plant is at least four foot tall by September. I grow the dahlias in a fenced in cutting garden to prevent the 'varmints' from eating them. In spring the tubers are planted in a five inch deep hole in raised beds filled with soil and compost. A sturdy stake is put in at the time of …
Dahlia ‘Gitts Crazy’
More autumnal colors …
Underneath a pink zinnia flower
Look for the magic, the growth, and the adventures that happen in a garden. View the intricacies of a flower from an unusual angle or look more closely than usual. Here is the underside of an ordinary zinnia flower. By a concerted scrutiny of something so familiar you see with fresh rather than …