We hold open garden afternoons. Dates and times will be posted on this website. Subscribe to this blog and you will get notifications of the garden days. Please email us for further information - BeforeYouGarden(at)gmail(dot)com …
Tulipa sylvestris – Wood Tulip
We usually think of tulips as a "once and done" plant, but this species tulip is often found in old gardens naturalized under deciduous trees. Here in the Mid-Atlantic, the Wood Tulip (Tulipa sylvestris) may only flower sparsely, but with many slender tulip leaves arising from underground stolons. …
A tulip for May Day (May 1st)
May Day has been associated with flowers, dancing, and celebration for centuries. Here at Northview the tulips are coming out and we are celebrating the May sunshine after nearly five inches of rain yesterday. …
Easter Flowers
Happy Easter from my garden to yours. Spring has sprung at Northview Gardens at last. …
Beautiful Bloodroot – A wild flower for a spring shade garden
The Bloodroot, (Sanguinaria canadensis) is a spring ephemeral flower native to Eastern North America. The flowers appear for only a few days and then the irregular leaves unfurl from around the stem. Bloodroot is a wild treasure that is well worth growing in a shade garden under deciduous trees like …
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Twenty Minutes in the life of Crocus tommasinianus ‘Roseus’
At last a sunny morning that feels a little more like spring. These two photos, taken twenty minutes apart, show the opening of these diminutive crocuses as the sunlight warmed them. How cool to actually stand there and watch flowers open. …
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Digging dandelions? Salad anyone?
Dandelions (Taraxacum) are the bane of the neat gardener. In the spring they grow fast using the energy stored in their tap-roots. Before you know it they will be cheerfully flowering and then quickly producing many wind blown parachute-like seeds. After the snow melt and spring rains the soil is …
‘Snow Bunting’ Crocus
This dear little white crocus called 'Snow Bunting'. It is the only crocus bred by E.A. Bowles that is commercially available. Check out the web site for his former garden in England. These corms were planted in a terracotta pot sunk into the ground to try and stop the voles and mice from eating …
The Spring Garden at Northview
This is the Spring Garden at Northview on the first day of Spring 2014 (Compare to previous post). The snowdrops are out - Galanthus nivalis - single, double - Flore Pleno and Viridapice with green on the outer segments. Look out for future post about the different types of snowdrops. …