Summer staking keeps the garden looking fresh for the rest of the gardening year. There is a nice way to do it and a sloppy way. Learn what you can do to make your garden sail through summer and into fall.Pink pompon dahlia flowers in the Cutting Garden at Northview look great when paired with pink …
Highlights from the Chelsea Flower Show 2023
Jenny Rose Carey at the entrance to The Chelsea Flower Show, London, England 2023The Chelsea Flower this year was held as usual at the Royal Hospital Grounds in Chelsea, London, England. The site is a magnificent one on the banks of the River Thames. Every year when I prepare for my Chelsea trip, I …
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The Chelsea Flower Show – A Spring Tradition in London – 2015 – 2017 (More in next blogs)
The Chelsea Flower Show held annually in London’s Royal Hospital Grounds in Chelsea has gardens and displays to delight the senses and inspire your gardening. This Trug Master’s display from 2015 was one of my favorites that year.The Chelsea Flower Show is held annually in May at the Royal Hospital …
Magenta Maligned – Flower Color in the Garden
Colour in My Garden by Louise Beebe Wilder is an illustrated garden book from the early 1900’sGardening Quote‘MAGENTA THE MALIGNED … I am very fond of this colour as worn by flowers and have taken some trouble to bring it into harmony with its surroundings.’ (Page 223)Louise Beebe …
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Sowing the Seeds of a Flowery Garden
Choosing which seeds to sowSeed sowing is one of the ultimate gardening pleasures. Tucking tiny brownish bundles of potential beauty beneath your potting soil is a lesson in hope and expectation.My Head Gardener, here at Northview Garden, Hanna von Schlegell, and I spend a lot of time thinking, and …
Snowdrops and Galanthomania
An Enchanting Winter Flower – Snowdrop – Galanthus Gardening Quote for FebruarySnowdrops – ‘The more species and varieties you grow, the more you come to appreciate their finer details and differences, whereas those who are strangers to the subject think that all snowdrops are …
Enliven your Fall Garden with Dahlias
With tips for digging up the tubers and storing them for winterGardening Quote:‘If the iris is considered the flower of the rainbow, surely the dahlia might be called the flower of the sunset.’Louise Bush-Brown, Flowers for Every Garden, Little, Brown, and Company, 1927.Dahlias are one of the stars …
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Winter Gardening Book Reading Suggestions
f you are like me, the active part of the gardening year is so busy that there is little time left at the end of the day to read all the books and magazines that I have on my pile. Consequently, the time for reading is winter, and then reading becomes one of my ultimate gardening pleasures.I have …
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Winter Seed Sowing in Old Milk Jugs
The first thing to do is to collect your supplies for winter seed sowing – old plastic milk jugs, a knife to cut it, labels and pencil, seeds and watering can with fine rose end, and duct tape.As the days lengthen in the Northern hemisphere it is time to start thinking of growing plants from seed. …
The Leaves Come Tumbling Down – and Then What?
By Jenny Rose CareyA guide to managing your fallen autumn leaves‘Autumn is not the sad time it is supposed to be. Darkness falls at five o’clock, and the garden is cold and wet, but it is a season of planning and expectation… Even the fallen leaf is food for future years of foliage and fruit, …
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